In a fit of procrastination I found myself down the rabbit hole of all things Typepad.
It was a strange walk down memory lane to the place where my online sharing of thoughts first began.
Jane Boyd First Blog on Typepad
You see it was back in 2006 that I first set up a blog -- right here on Typepad. I wrote on that blog for close to seven years before I migrated it to a rebranded business website. A lot has changed since then -- both for me and for Typepad. In a sense it seems we each moved on -- in our own sorts of ways.
And yet -- here I am -- back where so much of my online life began.
Here's what happened.
In my late night moment of procrastination I quickly discovered that Typepad was no longer accepting new memberships for blogs and for some strange and unknown reason that made me sad. Perhaps I was longing for days gone by or maybe -- and more accurately -- I was looking for a return to the simplicity of writing in a place that once inspired me. Whatever it was -- I felt it deeply. Some sort of nostalgic pull that yanked at memories of the days when blogging was really a thing. When comments built community and twitter was just making it's way in the world.
A little more poking around and I soon realized that even though I had moved my blog away from here years ago, my original membership account with Typepad actually still existed. That excited me and also ignited my curiosity enough to throw caution to the wind and consider "What if I were to start writing here again?"
A few more clicks, some basic updating and boom -- I'm back.
Of course I understand that to those of you who are in the know about website technical stuff -- this probably seems like a naive and stupid decision to be here at all. With Typepad not accepting new memberships, there is a pretty strong possibility they will eventually close down. And with that will come all the challenges of migrating any new content I share here as well as the lost indexing etc. I know. I get it. I hear you. And I agree.
But -- for whatever reason -- I'm just not worried about it.
I used to love writing. And it was something I was pretty good at. Then life happened and with that writing became harder and less something I loved.
Yet, I miss writing like I miss my lifelong friend. It's like a part of me is missing.
So here I am.
And I'm writing.